Pn Alizahwati was appointed by the Chief Justice of the Federal Court and started his career as a Commissioner Of Oaths which came into effect in 01st March 2020. This appointment is made subject to the Rules of Commissioner Of Oaths 2018. She is always ready to provide the best service to society by providing service at an immediate, reasonable, efficient and systematic. Apart from that, she will ensure that the services of the Commissioner Of Oaths will be carried out with full integrity because indirectly it is involved in supporting the judicial system in this country.

✓Perform assigned tasks diligently.

✓ Very punctual and highly disciplined.

✓ Able to handle every problem very well and have high patience.

✓ Carry out duties and responsibilities with transparency and trust.

✓ Receive reprimands with an open heart.

✓ Strict in making decisions.

Extensive experience in caring for society regardless of race and religion, as she had previously served as a Personal Assistant Special Officer at the Community Service Centre of the Member of Parliament for Titiwangsa at Kg. Bharu for 5 years starting from 2013 until 2018.

As a Commissioner for Oath, she has the powers of:

  • Receive acknowledgements of a married woman in all cases where acknowledgements are required by law to be taken before a public officer.
  • Receive acknowledgements of recognizances of bail and bail bonds.
  • Administer oaths for:
    • The justification for ball
    • Taking any affidavit or affirmation
    • Oath of executor and administrator
    • Any persons in any action, matter or proceeding which is pending or about to be instituted in any court.
  • Taking and receiving statutory declarations.
  • She can also affirm and verify documents and statements that will be used as legal proof.
